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Adolescent Health

The leading causes of death in Uganda are caused by largely preventable infectious diseases, including neonatal disorders, HIV/AIDS, malaria, lower respiratory infections, tuberculosis, and diarrheal diseases. However, while infectious diseases remain the top killers, non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular diseases and diabetes increasingly claim a greater proportion of Ugandan lives. The double burden of high rates of both infectious and non-communicable diseases in Uganda make it essential to educate the population on disease transmission risk factors and how to protect themselves. Youth, in particular, need to be educated on protect themselves against infectious agents and and prevent early onset of chronic conditions.

​Ray United FC Camps 

Between 2015-2019, Energy In Action held 5 Ray United FC football camps reached over 5,000 kids in central and northern Uganda. Besides soccer training provided by professional coaches, the program offered public health, citizenship, and leadership education provided by health professional students from the US and Uganda. Camp participants each receive a camp bag with a new t-shirt, a public health workbook, and a pencil. All participants also received nutritious meals and clean water. The camp culminated in a community-wide youth soccer tournament and medical outreach day. Ray United FC Camps are planned to restart in 2023-2024. 

Camp 2018 Video
Camp 2019 Videos
Camp 2015 Video
Camp 2017 Video
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Youth Public Health Ambassador Program

The Youth Public Health Ambassadors program aims to support youth in vulnerable communities develop the skills needed to support their communities in confronting persistent challenges and successfully drive positive change. The program aims to increase: 

Awareness of healthy behaviors that promote physical and emotional wellness, community engagement in disease prevention and control programs, community-based data to support evidence based programs and policies.


The YPHA program is a partnership between Ray United FC, Children’s Chance International Uganda (CCI), and the University of Southern California. The program has trained 30 youth to date aged 18 - 22 years, both male and female, to serve as public health ambassadors within their Northern Ugandan communities. 

Health Pot Segment 1
Health Pot Segment 2
Ambassadors Thank CECA
World Malaria Day Video
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